Thursday 23 February 2012

Canary (Poem)


Locked up within bars, my pet companion
Imprisoned in your world, with so much song
Bright yellow, you are so full of mellow
With musical notes of harmony
A sweet sound of a sincere melody
From vibrations of your silvery string
With this gentle sound of a vibrant ring
Whistling through the air, in your caged prison
Chanting away a soft sweet cheerful tune
Songs of an opera forever merry
Each day, making me so very happy

                                  By Dwayne Lubin 

Monday 20 February 2012

Bedtime (Poem)


Night sprawls within his body
The earth a sleepy man lies
Under blanket sheets of shadows
Wearing his nightgown to sleep
Silently at rest, he sinks in his mattress
His snore the whispering of the swaying trees
Breaths of night wind, in his nocturnal whistle

                                    By Dwayne Lubin

Friday 10 February 2012

Daylight (Poem)


A ripe lemon floats the horizon
Squeezing juice a foundation of colour
Daylight is scarlet drops
Orangeade spills the land
From horizon flourish yellow
The trees dye with their leafy shade
A sea of the azure
With the rays from cobalt
You plant your violets

                                 By Dwayne Lubin

Saturday 4 February 2012

Health and Family Life Multiple Choice (1) Common Entrance

Common Entrance

Health and Family Life Multiple Choice (1)

Directions: Read each question carefully, then select the BEST answer from the choices given.  

1.      John has been suffering from the common cold. Which of these foods will help his body to fight this illness?

(a)    Chicken and rice                                       (b) Apples and cherries

(c) Lettuce and cabbage                                  (d) Potatoes and spinach

2.      Jenny does not own a refrigerator but she wants to preserve her meats. Which of these methods is the best way to preserve them at home?

(a)    salting                    (b) heating                   (c) roasting                  (d) freeze-drying

3.      A woman is overweight and fat and must exercise all the time. It is LIKELY that she suffers from _____________________.

(a)    anorexia nervosa                                       (b) scurvy

(c) obesity                                                       (d) beri-beri

4.      A woman’s womb is also known as her ____________________.

(a)    cervix                    (b) belly                       (c) vulva                      (d) uterus                                

5.      Jack is 16 years old. He is most likely to experience all of the following changes ECXEPT _____________________.   

(a)    deepening of the voice                              (b) start of menstruation

(c) growth of pubic hairs                                 (d) broadening of the shoulders

6.      Food nutrients are transported to different parts of the body by _________________.

(a)    muscles                  (b) blood                     (c) throat                     (d) excretory system  

7.      A young man has soft bones and is deformed. Which of the following diseases is he MOST LIKELY to be suffering from?  

(a)    beri-beri                 (b) rickets                    (c) scurvy                    (d) anaemia

8.      Which of the following foods is high in fats?

(a)    fish                        (b) rice                         (c) butter                     (d) bananas

9.      Diseases may be spread in all of the following ways ECXEPT ___________________.

(a)    Sneezing during food preparation

(b)   Preparing food without washing hands

(c)    Leaving the garbage bin uncovered

(d)   Using hand sanitizer

10.  The food that we eat every day is referred to as our ___________________.

(a)   dinner                    (b) menu                      (c) diet                         (d) appetizer

Multiple Choice Answers

1)      B

2)      A

3)      C

4)      D

5)      B

6)      B

7)      B

8)      C

9)      D

10)  C